Research Publications
Professor & Head (Mechanical) & Dean (Academics)
Kumar, H S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Vijay, G S (2013) Rolling Element Bearing Contion Classification using Hoelder Exponents. NMAMIT Annual Research Journal, 3. pp. 43-48. ISSN 2249-0426.
Vijay, G.S and Kumar, H. S , Pai Srinivasa P, Sriram N. S. and Rao, Raj B K N (2012) Evaluation of Effectiveness ofWavelet Based Denoising Schemes Using ANN and SVM for Bearing Condition Classification. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Rao, Raj B K N (2012) Radial basis function neural network based comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques for effective bearing diagnostics. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.
Vijay, G S and Kumar, H S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2012) Support Vector Machine based bearing defect classification using wavelet denoised vibration signal. NMAMIT Annual Research Journal, 2. pp. 27-32. ISSN 2249-0426.
Pai, Srinivasa P and Vijay, G S and Sriram, N S (2011) Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings using Vibration Signal Analysis – A Soft Computing Approach. NMAMIT Annual Research, 1. pp. 44-51. ISSN 2249-0426,
Kumar, H S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Vijay, G S (2013) ANN based evaluation of performance of wavelet transform for condition monitoring of rolling element bearing. In: International Conference on design and Manufacturing (IConDM 2013), 18-20 July 2013, Kancheepuram Chennai.
Ahmed, Rounaq and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Vijay, G S (2013) Comparison of Wavelet Based Denoising techniques for Gear Condition Monitoring. In: International Conference on Convergence of Science, Engineering and Management in Education and Research, 26-27 September 2013, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, and Bangalore.
Ahmed, Rounaq and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Vijay, G S (2013) Fast Fourier Transform and Discrete Wavelet Transform for Fault Diagnosis of Gear. In: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, 15 and 16 May 2013, NITTE Karnataka.
Kumar H S., Dr. Srinivasa Pai , Dr. Sriram N S., Vijay G S (2013) ANN based evaluation of performance of wavelet transform for condition monitoring of rolling element bearing International Conference On DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING, IConDM
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2012) Genetic Algorithm based Neural Network for Classification of Rolling Element Bearing Condition. In: National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-2012), Dec 5 toDec 7 2012, Tamilnadu, India.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S and Rao, Raj B K N (2011) Bearing Diagnostics – A Radial Basis Function Neural Network Approach. In: International Conference COMADEM 2011 (24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Advances in Industrial Asset Integrity Management, 30th May – 1st June, , Clarion Hotel Stavanger Stavanger, Norway.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2011) Discrete Wavelet Transform for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearing. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering , Jan 3rd – 5th, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2010) A Comparative Study of Soft Computing Techniques for Rolling Element Bearing Condition Monitoring using Vibration Signal Analysis. In: International Conference ICETMCA 2010 (International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications 2010, December 16th to 18th, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2010) Artificial Neural Network based Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearing using Vibration Signals. In: Proceedings of NAME 2010, November 12th to 13th, JNN College of Engineering, Shimoga.
Vijay, G S and Pai, Srinivasa P and Sriram, N S (2010) Artificial Neural Network based Condition Monitoring of Rolling Element Bearing. In: Artificial Neural Network based Condition, 7th May, 2010.
Anil A. Sequeira, Dr. Thirumaleshwara Bhat, Dr. N. S. Sriram,(2011) “Modified Approach for Indirect Cutting Force Measurement for face Milling” International journal of innovative system design and engineering, International Institute of Science Technology and Engineering, 2011,Vol:2 No:2 pp:36-46
Anil A. Sequeira, Dr. Thirumaleshwara Bhat, Dr. N. S. Sriram, (2011) “A condition monitoring system to measure the cutting force using data acquisition system”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (IJMERD), 2011 Jan Vol:1 No:1 pp:19-22
Anil A. Sequeira, Dr.Thirumaleshwara Bhat, Dr.N. S. Sriram, (2011) ”Statistical Modelling to Predict Surface roughness in Face Milling”Global Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Computational Science (GJMECS)” 2011 Vol:1. No: 3
Anil A. Sequeira, Ravikanth Prabhu, Dr.Thirumaleshwara Bhat, Dr. N. S. Sriram, (2012) ”Effect of Cutting force and Surface Roughness of Al Components using Face Milling Process – a Taguchi Approach”, International Journal of Scientific research,2012 Vol:3. Issue: 4. pp: 7-13
Anil A. Sequeira, RavikanthPrabhu, Dr.ThirumaleshwaraBhat, Dr.N.S. Sriram, (2012) ”Modified Method for Estimation of the Specific Cutting Pressure for Mechanistic Cutting Force Models”, Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering (ICETE’12), NMAMIT, Nitte Karnataka, 2012.
Rajesh Rai, Srikantha Rao, Sriram N.S., (2010) “Development of Surface Roughness prediction system for Machining of Hot Chromium Steel based on Artificial Neural Network”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.5, No.11, Nov 2010.
Dr. Srinivasa Pai.P, K.Subrahmanya Bhat, Dr. N. S. Sriram and Dr. B.S.Samaga (2007) “Increased Industry-Academia Interaction and its Relevance for Technological Innovation in the New Globalized world”, Paper No. KAR-02 Proc. of the 37th ISTE annual Convention and National Seminar, M.I.T., Manipal, 17-19 Dec. 2007, Abstract on Page No.44.
Appukuttan, K. K., N. S. Sriram, (2007) “Static And Dynamic Force Analysis for a Face Milling Operation Using Mechanistic Model”, International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal, 24-26 October, 2007, pp 83 (Souvenir 2007)
Appukuttan, K. K., N. S. Sriram, (2007) “Design Optimization of The Face Mill Cutter For Honeycomb Face Milling”, National Conference on “Recent Advances in Design Engineering” (RADE 2007), held at MIT, Manipal, 22 - 24 February, 2007. Abstract on page No. 56.
N. S. Sriram & Appu Kuttan K. K., (2004) “Modeling and simulation of cutting forces in face milling operation for both static and dynamic analysis”, Journal of Machine Engineering, Vol. 4, 2004, pp 244-253.
N. S. Sriram, K.K. Appukuttan,(2004) ”Theoretical Modeling And Simulation Of Cutting Forces In Face Milling Operation For Both Static And Dynamic Analysis”, Conference on precision Engineering (COPEN),
N. S. Sriram & Appu Kuttan K. K.,“Modeling and simulation of cutting forces in face milling operation for both static and dynamic analysis”, XV workshop on supervision and diagnostic systems, Karpacz, Poland, 15th -17th March 2004.
N. S. Sriram & Appu Kuttan K. K., (2004) “Cutting Force Analysis in face milling operation for both static and dynamic forces”, National Conference on “Recent Advances in Manufacturing”, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu, 29th – 30th March 2004.
N. S. Sriram & Appu Kuttan K. K.,(2003) “Theoretical modeling and simulation of cutting forces in face milling operation for both static and dynamic forces”, 3rd National conference on “Precision Engineering” COPEN 03, 19th – 20th December 2003.
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
International Journals
Keerthiprasad.K.S, M.S. Murali, P.G Mukunda and. Sekhar Majumdar, “Numerical Simulation and Cold Modeling on Centrifugal Casting”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B ,Vol. 42, No.1, Feb 2011, 144-155.
Keerthiprasad. K. S, M. S. Murali and P.G. Mukunda., “Analysis of Fluid Flow in Centrifugal Casting”, Frontiers of Materials Science in China, (Springer), 4(1), 2010, 103-110.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, M.S. Murali and P.G Mukunda., “Characterization of Microstructure of AlSi alloy in Centrifugal Casting”, International Journal of Material Science, Volume 4, No. 2, 2009, pp 151-155.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, P.G Mukunda. , S.C. Sharma and M.S. Murali, “Analysis of centrifugal casting using Tin” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 4, No. 2, 2009,pp 153-159.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, M.S. Murali and P.G Mukunda “ Influence of mould rotational speed in centrifugal casting of eutectic and hypereutectic aluminium alloys” Journal of Material Science (Springer), (Communicated).
Keerthiprasad. K. S, M. S. Murali and P.G.Mukunda.,” Modeling and Analysis of Fluid Flow in Vertical Rotating Cylinder”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Communicated).
National Journals
Keerthiprasad.K.S, P.G Mukunda., S.C. Sharma and M.S. Murali “Modeling of Solidification” Indian Foundry Journal, Volume 51, No. 11, 2005.pp 43-48
International Conference
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Vikranth kannanth M S, "Development and characterization of a natural hybrid composite" International Conference on Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Management and thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, May 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Sandeep B "Influence of rotational speed on eutectic aluminiuum alloys", International Conference on Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Management and thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, May 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Vidya Shree H.R, " Development of hybrid composite using natural and polymer fibers" International Conference on Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Management and thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, May 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Sowmya C " Development of natural hybrid composites" International Conference on Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Management and thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, May 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Vikranth kannanth M S " Development and characterization of a natural hybrid composite" International Conference on Advanced materials, Manufacturing, Management and thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, May 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, P.G Mukunda. , S.C.Sharma and M.S. Murali, “Some Process Variables in Centrifugal Casting” 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Processing Technology (RAMPT’09), National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India, February 2009, pp 68-71.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, M.S. Murali and Mukunda.P.G, “ Fundamental Investigation of Centrifugal Casting Technique using AlSi Alloy”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering (ICMMM 2008), Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology, Pollachi, December 2008, pp 420-426.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Mukunda.P.G and M.S. Murali, ”Modeling of Centrifugal Casting”, International Conference on Fascinating Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (FAME 2008), Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, India, December 2008, 353-358.
Keerthiprasad.K.S ,Mukunda.P.G, and M.S. Murali “Influence of rotational speed in Centrifugal Casting: An Experimental Study” International conference on advanced materials and composites, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, October 24-26, 2007.pp.381-384.
National Conference
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Sandeep.B " Review on use of Jute fiber reinforced polymer composites "Second National conference on "Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology" (NCONET'14), Jansons Institute of Technology, Karumathampatti, Coimbatore, March 2014.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Sandeep.B " Analysis of E-Glass fabric-Jute fiber Hybrid Composite" National conference on "Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology" (G-Tech 14), G. Madegowda Institute of Technology, Bharathinagar, March 2014.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Sandeep.B " Review on use of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites", National conference on "Trends in Mechanical Engineering" (TIME-2014), Nitte Mennakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, January 2014.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Deepika H.J " Mathemaical modelling of metal matrix composite" National Conference on recent Trends in applied mathematics (RATM-2013), Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, June 2013.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Mukunda.P.G and M.S. Murali, “Modeling of Centrifugal Casting – PART-II”,National Conference on Evolving Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME-09)” The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore, March 2009, pp. 48 -51.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, P.G Mukunda. and M.S. Murali “Fundamental Investigation of Material Manufacturing System using Centrifugal Force-Part-II”, National Conference on Applications on FEM in Mechanical Engineering, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore,2008.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, M.S. Murali and Mukunda.P.G “Fundamental Investigation ofMaterial Manufacturing System using Centrifugal Force”, National Conference on Materials and Technologies for India-2020 (EMT-INDIA 2020), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu,India, January, 2008.
Keerthiprasad.K.S, Mukunda.P.G and M.S. Murali, “Prediction of rotational speed in Centrifugal Casting” National Conference on Trends and Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (TIME-07), Deccan College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, March 2007.
Keerthiprasad.K.S et al, “Hygrothermal analysis of CFRP space structure by Finite Element Method“ presented at NMAMIT, Nitte, March 2004.
Keerthiprasad.K.S et al., “Space Structures: A Study of Hygrothermal Effects by Finite Element Method “, presented at SSIT, Tumkur, September 2004.
Keerthiprasad.K.S et al., “Stress intensity factor for a centrally located penny-shaped crack surrounding a spherical cavity in a cylinder subjected to axial load” presented at IIT-Kharagpur, December 14-17, 2005.
Prof. Narendra Babu
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Publications in International Journals
B.R.Narendra Babu, Devadath.V.R, N.L.Murali Krishna, H.P.Raju, K.Chandrashekara, “Study of Drilled Hole Surface Characteristics in GFRP Generated by Different Drill Bits”, International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development – ISSN2249-6149-Issue, Vol.5 (July 2012).
B.R.Narendra Babu, K.Chandrashekara, “Study of Characteristics Behavior of GFRP Using Cemented Carbide Tool”, International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Science (IJEMS), RIP- 21099 – IJEMS.
Shivakumara.C.M, B.R.Narendra Babu, Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Optimization of Shielded Metal Arc Welding Parameters for Welding Pipes by Using Taguchi Approach”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications – ISSN2248-9622-Vol.3, Issue3, May-June 2013.
Lisa Shifani Madatha, B.R.Narendra Babu, Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Experimental Behavioral Study of Ductile Cast Iron Microstructure and its Mechanical Properties”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications – ISSN2248-9622-Vol.3, Issue3, May-June 2013.
PUBLICATIONS IN PROCEDINGS (International Conferences)
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Machinability Study of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite Materials”, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering – 2009 (Icame2009) at Surat, Gujarat, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Study of Characteristics Behavior of GFRP using Cemented Carbide Tool while Machining”, International Conference on Micro Electromechanical System (MEMS-08) at Anjuman Engineering College, Bhatkal, Karnataka, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Drilled Hole Shape Deformation Study on GFRP Composite”, International Conference on Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technologies-TEAM TECH 2009, Bangalore.
PUBLICATIONS IN PROCEDINGS (International Conferences)
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Study of Hole Shape Deformation While Drilling GFRP Composite”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009 at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Experimental Studies of Drilled Hole Surface on GFRP Composite Material”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009 at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Study of Hole Shape Deformation While Drilling GFRP Composite”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009 at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Machining using HSS Tool”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009 (AME2009) at Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology,Mysore, Karnataka.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Machining using Cemented Carbide Tool”, National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009 (AME2009) at Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology,Mysore, Karnataka.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Machining characteristics of GFRP using Cemented Carbide Tool”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (RAIME’08) at National Engineering College, K.R.Nagar, Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Evaluation of Surface Roughness of GFRP while machining with HSS Tool”, The National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RTIMES-08) at Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, India.
B.R.Narendra babu and Dr.K.Chandrashekara, “Machinability study of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite Materials”, Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes at University B D T College of Engineering, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Mr. Naveed Anjum,
List of Publications
Naveed Anjum, Ajit Prasad S.L, B. Suresha," Role of silicon di-oxide filler on mechanical andsliding wear behaviour of glass-epoxy composites", Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Advances in Tribology, Volume 2013, Article ID 324952, 10pages,
National/International Conference
Naveed Anjum, Ajit Prasad S.L, B. Suresha," Role of silicon di-oxide filler on mechanical andsliding wear behaviour of glass-epoxy composites", INCAMA -2013, Kalasalingam University, KrishnanKoli, Tamilnadu, India.
Naveed Anjum, B. Suresha, S.L. Ajit Prasad and N. Rajini, "Effect of fiber length and loading of sansevieria fiber on dry sliding wear behavior of polyester composites”, ICAT-14, NIT,Calicut