Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1996 with affiliation to Mysore University. Presently the department is affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University (VTU). The present intake for the undergraduate program is 60 students. Mechanical Engineering emphasizes on Design, Materials & Manufacturing, Thermal Engineering, and also interdisciplinary areas like CAD/CAM/CAE, Automation, Operational Research, Mechatronics, FEM, Computational fluid dynamics, Managerial Aspects of Industry, etc.

The department has one of the best qualified and experienced faculty teams to cater to the needs of the students. The department has faculty members with specializations in the field of Thermal Engineering, Machine Design, Manufacturing and Management. Senior faculty members are not only qualified with Ph. D but also have average industrial experience of 15- 20 years which gives students a very practical learning experience that the industry expects of them. . Three faculty members are pursuing their doctoral program. The supporting staffs are qualified, experienced, and skilled.

A postgraduate course M. Tech.( Production Technology) is being offered by the department since 2011 and has intake of 18.

First, second and third ranks were bagged by our M.Tech students this year.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is well-equipped and has an extensive laboratory and workshop facilities. The Mechanical Engineering department has a CAD/CAM centre with all the necessary software, in addition to the standard equipment. The laboratory and equipment not only satisfies the norms but also provides a space where students can experiment and give their innovative ideas a chance to be exhibited.

Professional body

ISHRAE (Indian Society for Heating, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Engineering) student Chapter, VVIET was started in 2007 to create more student membership. The aim of the chapter is to develop student activities and support student initiatives. The chapter is supported by ISHRAE Mysore Students chapter and conducts technical seminars, Industrial visits and sponsors students for Industrial exhibitions like ACREX, IMTEX, etc., The chapter organizes quiz programmes, conduct workshops on global environment protection to bring awareness in the students community about conservation of energy.

Facilities available

  • Department has smart classrooms all equipped with Multimedia projectors.
  • Department has plans to enter into an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ALTEM Technologies, Bangalore for imparting training in CATIA software to the students of VVIET and it would also benefit students of neighboring institution.
  • The department industry- institute interaction cell is actively involved in placing students for internship at reputed industries & organizations in and around Mysore. This has given an opportunity for students to identify real time problems in industry and enable them to tackle the same during their final year project.

Students Skill Development Infrastructure

  • ISHRAE Student Chapter
  • CAD/CAM software training
  • Well Stocked Departmental Library
  • VGST and KSCST student project sponsorship
  • High speed Internet Facility
  • Mecholites- students association